San Francisco - Golden Gate bridge at night. No this isn't snow, but clouds!

Obviously it shouldn't be necessary to use an emulator for a real, be it DOS-based PC-program. At least under Windows 98 SE, FS 3.0 works without emulator. So there is no emulator download, only the program download and a download of the reference card. To please European pilots the download of FS 3.0 also contains the 'Western Europe Scenery Tour' by Microsoft as a bonus.

Starting the program
Fs 3 1 0 60

Just unpack the FS 3.0 download file into a directory of your choice, double-click on fs3.exe and there you go. It only works full screen, but if you want to make a screen shot with <PrtScrn> you can use <Alt><Enter> to switch to a DOS-box and back. In which case the program freezes but continues after returning to full screen.

Fs 3 1 0 631 Crack

Latest revision: 30.03.2005